Web Marketing College

Learn How to Market your Own Business!

You can do your own marketing.  You just need to learn and  keep up with what’s available.  That’s where Web Marketing College comes in.  We teach you how to market your business online.  Web Marketing College provides you with access to information and techniques necessary to get your business visible to potential clients on the Internet. Visibility means opportunity for Lead Generation and Product Sales which is what makes your business grow.

Our marketing courses are full of important information you need to be aware of to get your business noticed.  Web Marketing College teaches you how to market your business in 5 distinct areas:

  • SEO:  We show you how to get ranked in the search engines!
  • SEM:  We show you how to correctly setup your advertising in the search engines!
  • Social Media:  We teach you how to create social media marketing campaigns and how to manage them effectively!
  • 3rd Party Lead Generation:  We show you the places to go to generate leads and how to effectively communicate in digital media!
  • Affiliate Marketing:  We teach you the ins and outs of Affiliate Marketing and how to set it up!

How Do We Know All of This Stuff?

We’ve spent the last 20+ years creating and marketing websites for businesses in just about every industry. And Yes… We’re a Certificated Google Partner.

Why Businesses Take Our Training: 

  • New Business and Don’t Know How to Market
  • Not Sure Where to Spend Marketing Money
  • Limited Budget But Need to Advertise
  • Don’t Know How to Rank in Search Engines
  • Have Website Visitors But They Don’t Convert
  • Need Resolutions to Marketing Problems
  • Looking to Increase Sales

And the great part is you also get access to our Support System allowing you to get answers to questions specific to what you’re working from our highly qualified instructor.  So sign up for Web Marketing College Today and Learn How to Market Your Business!